Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Extensive Reading

To get maximum benefit from their reading, students need to be involved in both extensive and intensive reading. Whereas with the former, a teacher encourages students to choose for themselves what they read and to do so for pleasure and general language improvement, the latter is often ( but not exclusively ) teacher-chosen and directed. It is designed to enable students to develop specific receptive skills such as reading for gist ( or general understanding – often called skimming ), reading for specific information ( often called scanning ), reading for detailed comprehension or reading for inference ( what is “behind” the words) and attitude.
Extensive reading
In order to develop our students’ word recognition and their improvement as reader, it is not enough to tell students to “ read a lot “ ; we need to offer them a programme which includes appropriate materials, guidance, tasks and facilities, such as permanent or portable liraries of books.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Identify Reading Skill

Teaching reading can be an arduous task as it is often difficult to know how to improve student skills. One of the most obvious, but I have found often unnoticed, points about reading is that there are different types of reading skills :

Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

The differences between strategic readers and poor readers.

In teaching practices, we should have clear cut dividing line between good readers against the poor ones. This is very essential to have realization that actually the ultimate goal of our teaching process is to move students forward into better condition

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014


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untuk student's worksheet silahkan click download